Date Time picker as per the local.

I have requirement where I am building an application for multiple countries and I have Date Time picker, now can any one tell, how can make this Date Picker as per the local, because not all user want the calender in English, and they want the felixiblity to choose the date as per the local.

Example :, now if you take this date picker, now how I can use it for french language


Basically you need to define the locale before initing the ui


And all number and date formatting functions in all components will switch to the necessary format.

The next article explains it better

Thanks Maksim for the updates but I have already gone through the article, but still I am not able to do the same for “DatePicker”, I am able to perform for Calender, but not able to do for Date Picker.

If you see the example :,

I have tried here, but bot able to do it, because I have the same requirement like this.

If you could help us would very appreciable.

Please check

Beware that you can set locale only BEFORE webix.ui call. There is no way to change locale for already rendered views.

Thanks Maksim the code is working fine, As of now when we download we will get only 5 locales files, but I would like to know when we can expect the other countries local files as part of builds because building the locale files is quite difficult.

I have checked some other libraries like bootstap, where they are providing the bundles of all locale js files, but I am not sure whether those will work with webix or not. Can you please provide some updates on this regards.

We have it in plans for one of future updates. ( I can’t provide the exact date so far )

Hello Makism,

if you see this example, you will find the calender image,

My question is how I can change the image, because as per my requirement I need to change the calender image and we have our own image that I want to place in calender icon.

Can you please suggest a way where we can give our own image as Icon.

You can change it to any other icon from Font Awesome ( ) quite easily. Using custom image is a bit more complicated but is possible.

Check the next snippet

You can place your own background image in place of the “red box” there

Thanks Makism for the great help