I have a datepicker view with timepicker enabled.And the format I have specified as “%Y/%m/%d %h:%i %A” . But once I specified the format, ‘Today’ & ‘Clear’ button is shifting down ,user is not able to view the buttons. So how can I increase the date-time picker popup height.
Could you please share me the code snippet ASAP.
Hello, can you reproduce the issue? Seems like it works as expected:
In the date picker popup view in my case i am able to see the time as 2015/12/24 10:09 PM instead of just time(10:09 PM in your case) at the bottom. So as the time string length got increased the buttons are shifting down. So can share me css class name to edit date picker pop up view(height).
Hi Listopad,
Can you please share me the css class name for the date-time picker popup to adjust the pop height.
To the both requests: http://webix.com/snippet/5f3d48be
By the way, all CSS classes are described here: