Debugging in Webix Jet


for some reason when i debug my Webix Jet based code i always have to work with “incognito/private browsing” and also always close and reopen the browser window. Otherwise if i try to only “refresh” the browser after code change I get the “Cant load app” error.

What is the proper way to develop/debug when working with Webix Jet?

It must work with default settings.
If you are using Google Chome, you can open dev. tools and check “Disable cache while DevTools is open” option.



hmm… i already have that option checked. I just noticed that the “login” page in the Webix Jet admin demo works just fine if i “refresh” the browser. But after i “log in” the “Refresh” button in browser always returns that error message. So there must be some problem with my login implementation. Altrough I tried to follow the example login helper provided…