How can I add more delay when keypress filter datatable ? sometime user a little bit slow to type an lost focus the cursor to type again
using enter key to do a filter
to increase delay try this
webix.ui.datafilter.textWaitDelay = 2000;
Hello @finzaiko ,
How can I add more delay when keypress filter datatable ?
As a solution, you can alter webix.ui.datafilter.textWaitDelay
value. This constant defines the waiting timeout ( how much filter will wait after the last key down before starting the filtering logic ). Here is an example: Code Snippet
using enter key to do a filter
A solution based around the onBeforeFilter event handler proves to be one of the simpler solutions to this problem. For example, you can check if the Enter key was pressed or not with the help of the onKeyPress event.
Please take a look at the snippet:
Hi, @intregal @annazankevich