Demo 14 not working!/14

Clicking wither Hide Last Name or Show Last name gives and error. It looks like inline code does not work? Could this be correct?
Anything I try to the left of ‘elements’ or ‘show’ seems to result in ‘undefined’.

Thank you for being attentive, we’ll correct the samples soon.

Let me explain how it works:

For now, the mentioned pattern for auto-IDs is a bit outdated. The current auto-ID will be $viewname1 where a number is an index among the same views regarding their initialization order.

For instance, two text inputs

    { view:"text" },
    { view:"text" }

are available as$$("$text1") and$$("$text2")

So, if the IDs of the form and the text input are not specified, the sample will look as follows:

Thank you for the response. What you seem to be saying is that inferred auto-IDs need a $ symbol as a prefix?

I can work with that.

If you not if you do not specify the ID, the constructor will set it automatically. I’ve just described the pattern of these IDs.

You must not rely on auto-generated IDs. The scheme of id generation may be changed in the future. Also, it depends on order of UI creation, so it is not reliable in case of a big app.

If you want to call some view by id, just specify the id for the view. If you want to get unique value, you can use

var ListId = webix.uid();
webix.ui({ view:"list", id:ListId })
//and later
var list = $$("ListId");

There is not way I would rely on autogenerated ID’s but the samples do, and whilst learning/ playing with them that’s what I need to work with.
So long as we know they are generated we can play with the snippets.
