Display image and link in textfield dynamically

I am trying to populate my form fields with dynamic values.I have created 1 jsp page with webix form which populates data using url attribute.I am trying to populate the textfield with text,link, and image.I am able to populate textfield dynamically with text data using ‘name’ attribute.Similarly can you please suggest some solution to populate the textfield with image and link.Please respond ASAP.

You can use templates in the form. Check the next sample


As result, when you load data in form it can show part in inputs and part of data as HTML.

thanks for the suggestion.
Could you please suggest how to populate the link value from json object rather than hardcoding like “www.webix.com” in a form.I am able to populte textfield using 'name ’ attribute.Like that is there any solution to populate link value dynamically from external source.

If you check the above sample, the data taken from json object, the only thing which is necessary to replace $$(“f1”).setValues command with $$(“f1”).load(“some.jsp”), where some.jsp must return the json object similar to one used in setValues command.