Displaying a master row spanning all columns in TreeTable

Hi, a common use of a treetable is for the parent node to display different information that the child nodes.

For example, the parents might be a bidders, and the children items.

So, I’m wondering if it’s possible to use the parent node to display a row which spans all of the columns, so that it can be used to display different information that the children nodes ??

Yep, it is possible

Check the next sample http://webix.com/snippet/3d067cb7

The key point is a “$row” attribute, it instructs datatable that row must be rendered as a single line.

{ name:"master row", $row:"title",  // <= here it is!

@dmoshal: interesting question! I ran into this myself. But the thread title is pretty vague. Any chance to rename it to something like “Displaying a master row spanning all columns in TreeTable”? Thanks!

@dandv: done.