doesn't work properly: toPDF(), adjust: true, addHotKey(), toolbar view

I have some problem to get it work:

  1. addHotKey() doesn’t work at all.
  2. toPDF() table dosen’t fit into pdf and doesn’t render whole table.
    3.adjust: true, is there any other solution how to adjust cells and headers?
    adjust: true doesn’t adjust some cells and headers on chrome.
  3. toolbar buttons doesn’t work on firefox


1 . The best practice in your case is to set hotKeys to the particular grid:

2 . toPDF doesn’t fit the grid by default, but you can set propertyautowidth:true as described here:

 webix.toPDF($$("$datatable1"), {

3 . We’re not sure why this happens. We’ll try to investigate this.

4 . float:right ruins everything. Moreover, even if you’re usingdisplay:none for the combo, framework will preserve the space for it. Perhaps, a button popup will be the handier solution.
