Drag and Drop Copies Of Tree Items

Hi, I can’t work out how to drag and drop a copy of an item from one tree to another. At the moment it moves the item rather than copying it. I have two tree tables, one contains set items and the other is the target. I basically want to be able to add items to the target tree but keep the items available in the source tree. Any help would be great thanks.

you can use onBeforeDrop handler to redefine default d-n-d behavior

         var details = { parent:dnd.parent };
         dnd.from.copy( dnd.source, dnd.index, dnd.to, details);
         return false;


Hi Maksim,
That worked great thanks!

One more thing,
How can I change the ID of the new(copied) item before it gets dropped?
I need to save the new item onAfterDrop using Ajax, but the ID is the same as the source item ID.

I just saw in the docs that I can set the newId using:

var details = { newId:webix.uid() };
  context.from.copy(context.source[i], context.start, context.to, details);

This is great but when I use onAfterDrop, the ID is still the same as the source ID. Any ideas?

My events look like this:

$$("tree").attachEvent("onBeforeDrop", function(context, ev){
        for (var i=0; i < context.source.length; i++){
            var details = { newId:webix.uid() };
            context.from.copy(context.source[i], context.start, context.to, details);

    $$("tree").attachEvent("onAfterDrop", function(context, ev){
        for (var i=0; i < context.source.length; i++){
            var itemId = context.source[i];
            var newParentId = this.getParentId(itemId);
            var newPosition = this.getBranchIndex(itemId);
            var updateData = { poId:itemId,poParentId:newParentId,poPosition:newPosition };

            webix.ajax().post("save.php", updateData,{
                error:function(text, data, ajax){
                    webix.message("Error -"+ajax.status);
                success:function(text, data, ajax){
                    if(ajax.status == 0) {
                        webix.message("Connection Error...");
                    if (data.json().finished) {

        //return false;
         var details = { parent:dnd.parent, newId: 123 }; //<- set it here

How do I use this new ID in the “onAfterDrop” event?

If you are returning false from the onBeforeDrop event - onAfterDrop will not occur at all.

If you are returning true - component will move item in additional to copy logic in onBeforeDrop handler.

Ok thanks, so instead of saving the new item onAfterDrop I would have to have a save button to do this?

Hi Maksim,
I figured it out, thanks for your help in the matter. Instead of using onAfterDrop, I just did it all in the onBeforeDrop. Don’t know why I didn’t think of that first!