Dynamic loading for local dataset in TreeView

Hi, I have a very large JSON dataset, anywhere from 100MB-2GB that is stored locally on the computer. If $$(‘tree’).parse(data) is used, the browser would either take a very long time to display the data in a tree or the page would crash entirely.

I’ve read about webix_child property but is there a way to not use this property? The data set I’m working with has a lot of levels but the IDs don’t exactly match the requirements of webix dataset so they’re useless.

This is a mini sample of the structure: http://pastebin.com/ZTA8MQ7F

Is there a function to render each level as the user expands the tree without using webix_child and IDs?

Thank you for your time.

Tree renders only expanded levels. It is default rendering strategy and it doesn’t require any special markup in data.

webix_child is used for dynamic loading of data

In your case the most part of time must be consumed by json parsing. And I don’t see any good solution to fix it. In real apps it better to avoid data sets which are bigger than few megabytes.

If you change static json data to dynamic server side script, then it will be possible to implement dynamic loading strategy and load data on client side only when user expands related branch.