Dynamic UI with WebixView

The documentation page at
gives a nice description of replacing layout components, but I am unclear on how to translate this to the Backbone way. Can you provide some hints on this?

The next may be helpful


You can wrap chunks of ui in WebixView and reuse it as common Backbone view.

In that scenario I would need to abandon the Webix way described for dynamic layout and directly find DOM elements to work on and render WebixViews into that element, correct?

If so then I can’t see to use a Webix layout as a Backbone view and then dynamically alter it’s nested children.

You can wrap webix layout in Backbone view
You can’t use Backbone views to change part of webix layout

So, in other words, you can use Webix components in the Backbone app. And you can’t use Backbone views for building Webix layout.