Dynamically altering a combo box list

Hello everyone,

in my application I have two combo boxes. The second combo box list values depend on the selection in the first combo box. In order to get this behavior I wrote this on change event handler for the first combo box. What I want is to be able to automatically select the first item in the second combo box if the result coming from the server has only one option:

onCustChange : function (nval, old) {
    var url = "ui/cust/" + nval + "/apps";
    webix.ajax().get(url, null, function (text, data) {
      var as = $$("app_selection");
      var dt = data.json();
      as.define("options", dt);
      if (dt.length == 1) {

The first time this code runs everything works as expected. When I change the value in the first combo box, the second combo seems not to reload the list of options properly and displays the id I set instead of the description. I suppose the popup suggest is recreated lazily so until I open the list I don’t get anything.
Is there a way to force the popup list to reload from code so I get the correct description inside the combo input field? The strange thing is the first time it works properly.
Thank you in advance for your help.


While popup will repaint self only on second opening, the inner state ( api, selected value, data loading ) must work without relation to the visibility of popup.

Instead of

as.define("options", dt);

Try to use

var list = as.getPopup().getList();

It seems not to work. I tried it but get an error in $setValue of richselect: “undefined is not a function”. By the way, can the double var definition of the variable text cause problems?

		if (!this._rendered_input) return;

		<b>var text</b> = value;
		var popup = this.getPopup();

		if (popup)
			<b>var text</b> = this.getPopup().getItemText(value);

		this._settings.text = text;
		var node = this.getInputNode();
		if (webix.isUndefined(node.value))
			node.innerHTML = text;
			node.value = text.replace(/<[^>]*>/g,"");