Hello everyone,
in my application I have two combo boxes. The second combo box list values depend on the selection in the first combo box. In order to get this behavior I wrote this on change event handler for the first combo box. What I want is to be able to automatically select the first item in the second combo box if the result coming from the server has only one option:
onCustChange : function (nval, old) {
var url = "ui/cust/" + nval + "/apps";
webix.ajax().get(url, null, function (text, data) {
var as = $$("app_selection");
var dt = data.json();
as.define("options", dt);
if (dt.length == 1) {
The first time this code runs everything works as expected. When I change the value in the first combo box, the second combo seems not to reload the list of options properly and displays the id I set instead of the description. I suppose the popup suggest is recreated lazily so until I open the list I don’t get anything.
Is there a way to force the popup list to reload from code so I get the correct description inside the combo input field? The strange thing is the first time it works properly.
Thank you in advance for your help.