Could you please share a sample on how to reset tree height on node expansion\collapse?
I am trying to do this inside onAfterOpen and onAfterClose by setting height property of the tree and then calling resize \ adjust functions but it doesn’t seem to be working
Thanks Maksim. Was able to achieve this using define function and then calling resize.
Now I have another issues, my tree is with a label inside a webix form as below:
cols: [
view: “label”,
id: “lableASRO”,
“label”: “Access OM”,
width: 100
“view”: “myTree”,
“name”: “treeASRO”,
id: “treeASRO”,
data: treedataASRO,
template: “{common.icon()} {common.checkbox()} #value#”,
threeState: true,
height: 150,
width: 260
Now the issue is when I expand a node, tree height is increased along with the container for label. After collapsing the same node, tree height is decreased but label container height remains same and keeps increasing with every node expand.
Could you also please provide a sample for changing css styles (class) of a node and all its children, when a node is clicked?
Thanks a lot in advance.