Hi, I’m new to Webix…
I’m trying to get the edited cell value in javascript. I don’t want to pass the edited value to serverside. I have to do some work with edited cell data.
Is there any edit call back function to catch that edited cell data?
You can use onAfterEditStop event
Thanks… This is what i want exactly. “webix.message” is awesome.
I am having another query.
In the edit mode, when a cell is selected, it gets highlighted. When the another cell is selected, both the cells are getting highlighted. It keeps on going. How to restrict this to a particular cell in a column or row.
By default only one cell is editable in the same time. So starting edit process in new cell must close the editor in previous cell. ( Same as in the above sample )
It is working well with normal columns. In case of frozen column, the behaviour is what i meant. Please check. Thanks.
Still works for me correctly - you can check the update sample
How can I add more rows in that snippet? http://webix.com/snippet/61a34d61
check this snippet with more rows and check with first column.
Please check the updated sample
a) sample uses .edit, not .editColumn ( it works correctly, but enables edit for all cells in the column )
b) be sure that you have unique ids for all rows, if two rows share the same id it can cause the problem.
The problem occurred with only editColumn. Otherwise edit works perfectly. Thanks for your time mate.
It looks correctly with editColumn for me
Sample works much slower, as it opens 1000 editors at once, but it still works correctly.
If you have some problems with the above sample - please provide the exact steps to reconstruct the issue.
I have another query in editColumn. Is there any inbuilt function to execute after “onAfterEditStop” finished?
ok. I solved with $.when jquery feature.
If you want to execute some code after event handler fully finished you can use webix.delay
some.attachEvent("onAfterEditStop", function(){
//event handler
//after all event handlers
Thanks. But it works for each cell in column. But I need only once. @maksim