I have added new columns in the file manager view using the insertAt method described here (http://docs.webix.com/file_manager__howto.html#howtoaddanewcolumnintablemode). Is there any way to make these columns editable? I can see in the file manager code that ‘editaction’ is set to false to override the edit upon double click so it seems that the only thing that you can edit in file manager is the name of the file. How can I add in other fields that are editable?
I can see in the file manager code that ‘editaction’ is set to false to override the edit upon double click so it seems that the only thing that you can edit in file manager is the name of the file.
Yes, file/folder is the only property that can be edited. And double-click opens folders or allows to download files. There is also mode where only icon and file name is visible (check files / list toggle next the search input ).
What are additional columns that you need to add as editable ?
Thanks for the response. I want to be able to ‘tag’ my files by assigning them into categories (preferably from a dropdown menu, which I know is possible in a datatable view, but not sure in filemanager). Do you think this would be possible without having to modify the webix library code?