Editable on datepickerFilter - Bug

Hi Webix team,

As first, you are doing a great job. But, I found one bug. When I put editable property on true at datepickerFilter, there is some problem on css part, so text box for input is moved on down so it gets pretty ugly look. Snippet with example for this is on http://webix.com/snippet/50269fb6.


Any news about this bug?


I can confirm the issue. We will include a fix into the nearest update. As a quick solution you can add the following CSS rule:

.webix_richfilter {
   line-height: 32px;

By the way, you can configure the input and its suggest via the inputConfig property of the corresponding filter.

Check the updated snippet, please: http://webix.com/snippet/7cbdf60e

Thanks Helga.