Editor Issue in IE Browser (onBeforeEditStop ) not called, if user clicks in editable cell

I am using the editor inside the data table view, and we are using editor:“text” in data table, and using following scenario.

1.Enter any value in “Text” Column in first cell, and click on the second cell of the same row, script error will come
2.as we have clicked on the second cell, this will become editable, and enter any value in it and click on cell of the same row, now, both the editor for the first row become read only and you will not be able to insert any thing in it.

3.This is issue will not come if you click outside the table and do the edit operation, but my concern is we can not restrict user to click outside, they click any where

This issue comes only in IE Browser, but in Chrome works perfectly.

The Snippet code URL is mentioned below

URL : https://webix.com/snippet/8b9bbf53

The method is not called again onBeforeEditStop in IE.

We are in production system and need your immediate help to resolve the issue.

Hello Listopad,

Even I am also getting the same issue in IE Browser, can you please share any work around for this.

I am using Webix 3.1.2


Unfortunately, for now I can’t get the reason for using updateItem while editing. Can you please provide the details of your use-case?

As far as I can see, the issue is caused by an attempt to refreshColumns during the editing process (in both onBeforeEditStart/Stop), as the method refreshes the structure of the datatable. In fact, even if there’s no any error in Chrome, such solution is quite impugnable.