Element only validation (webix 3.0.8)

I’m trying the “Validation by API” snippet shown in “Data Validation Webix Docs” but only could replicate the whole form case. What I’m seeing is that any validation rule defined for a component in the form rules prop does not propagate to the _settings.validate component prop, am I right? If so, the docs should state the following:

//either validate the whole form

{ view:“text”, name: “fname”, on:{
rules: { fname: function() {} }

//or validate this element when validate method is supplied

{ view:“text”, name: “fname”, validate: function(){}, on:{


Found similar thread and Helga’s explanation for the expected behaviour. So, maybe the Webix docs cause a bit confusion. Thanks in advanced

Well, I should agree that the documentation needs an update.

If you validate an input separately, the code will look only into its own validation rule, but not in common form rules.

I agree. Thanks a lot