Can someone share approach on how to build large enterprise application with Webix?
Previously I have worked with ExtJS and there is specific approach how to arrange functionalities according to MVC or MVVM pattern. So its easy to maintain application as it grows because its distributed across multiple files (controllers, views, models, stores) that are compiled into one file before used in production. More info
I would like to try out Webix, but for now its not clear does Webix proposes any pattern on how to organize large application. For now looks that all logic is written as inline code and put into couple of variables/files, but I don’t see how it could be maintainable at large scale (see examples mentioned here
Is there idea to use third party framework as Backbone to organize large application logic?
I realized that the webix-adminapp-demo is full of static-ids which I’d prefer to avoid when building my app. Is there a way to avoid them without having to guess auto-generated-child ids?
Yep, there are a lot of static IDs, but those IDs are used only in the code of the same module. Code never calls by ID UI from external module, it makes ID usage relative safe.
Also, if you care about module reusing when the same view can be rendered few times, there are techniques those allow to use the same static ID few times per page in different contexts.