Error loading data from DB - Tree


I’m having problems loading data from the DB.

Here is my script.


require_once("connector/data_connector.php"); $conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("portal"); $dbtype = "MySQL"; $data = new JSONTreeDataConnector($conn, "$dbtype"); $data->render_sql("SELECT v.idEmpleados, v.fecha_vac, f.fecha FROM vacaciones as v, fechas as f where v.idVacaciones=f.idVacaciones","","idEmpleados, fecha_vac, fecha");


tree = new webix.ui({ container:"testA", view:"tree", url:"data.php" });

I’m loading data from 2 tables, but I can’t load it because it shows me the following error:

Exception: MySQL operation failed Unknown column ‘’ in ‘where clause’ in C:\wamp\www\Webix_Test\connector\db_common.php on line 1091

I hope you can help me out.



try to following render_sql call:

$data->render_sql("SELECT v.idEmpleados, v.fecha_vac, f.fecha FROM vacaciones as v, fechas as f where v.idVacaciones=f.idVacaciones",
"idEmpleados", "fecha_vac", "","fecha");

“fecha” field should be parent id in this case