Error of datatable component

Hi, guys!
I write this code:


		autoConfig: true,

		container: "areaA",
	    view: "datatable",

	    url: "test.php?action=getData",
	    datatype: "json"

Console says:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
File webix_debug.js.
var cols_n = this.config.columns.length

webix.DataState = {
		var cols_n = this.config.columns.length;
		var columns = this.config.columns;

How i can fix this error?

I can confirm the issue.
headermenu doesn’t work for autoConfig and url based data loading

Fix will be included in the oncoming Webix 2.1.2

If you have an active license, you can grab Webix 2.1.4 from the support area. It contains a fix for the above issue.

I have webix 2.1.5. But not support headermenu with url parameter.

Above snippet works for me correctly with latest version.
Do you have the same JS error or some other kind of misbehavior ?

Yes. I’m sorry, but this property is working only in PRO Edition?

  container: "wrapper",
  rows: [
    { view:"toolbar", cols:[
    { view:"text", id:"LoadBut", width: 500, align:"left" },
    { view:"button", value:"Search", width:100, align:"right" }
  { view:"datatable", id: "grid", autoConfig: true, resizeColumn: true,
    url: "data/test.php",
    dataType: "json"

Actually yes
You can check the related page in the documentation - pro APIs are marked.

But why? In earlier versions, this feature was in the standard package, it turns out that the possibility of a new release of your library trims.

headermenu functionality was added in Webix 2.0 in pro version and wasn’t available before that moment.

You still can attach context menu to the datatable or any other component - that functionality was available earlier and still available. Actually header menu is just convenient short code for the standard context menu functionality.

Hi,I am new to webix…
I have similar kind of issue.
when i login , it is giving a junk alert saying “The Page at xxxx says: foo”
and giving error saying :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘container’ of Undefined
webix.ui.webix.ui @ webix.js:6
SelectClientServiceSucceeded @ SelectClient.js:1110
SelectClientService.$.ajax.success @ SelectClient.js:89
st.Callbacks.f @ jquery-1.9.0.min.js:1
st.Callbacks.p.fireWith @ jquery-1.9.0.min.js:1
r @ jquery-1.9.0.min.js:3
st.ajaxTransport.send.r @ jquery-1.9.0.min.js:3

Please help me in removing the error and junk alert…it’s very urgent…

Most probably you are providing non-object value for webix.ui command.