Events on ui.text

is there a way to capture on keyboard press inside a ui.text instead of using onchange, and another question.
is there a way to obtain the id from ui.text when i use suggest option?

a) you can use onKeyPress event ( it occurs for control in focus, when some key was pressed )

b) if you have different visible text and id to store, it will be more simple to use the richselect or the combo control instead of “text”

thank you!!, by the way if i use combo is there a way to apply a filter over data?

By default combo filters data as you are typing, it possible to define custom filtering function

for a) is there a way to trigger an event similar with onKeyPress, but when the value is changed by paste using the mouse?

@dutu no, but you can use the native html event handler as

$$("textId").getInputNode().addEventListener("paste", function(){})