Filemanager before open folder

I want to call a custom function on before opening folders Filemanager. Is there any solution?

Hello @greget84,

In onInit though the getState() you can track every move:

app => {
      const state = app.getState();
      state.$observe("path", v => {

In this way the function will be called when the any folder would be opend.
Please, check out the snippet: Code Snippet

Or you can customize list and cards by adding a new logic:

function MyHandler(items){
  if (items.length === 1) {
    const item = items[0];
    if (item.type === "folder")
      alert("Folder: "+;

and override fileManager throuth the new Map([]):

override: new Map([
    [fileManager.views.list, MyList],
    [, MyCards]

With this customization, the function will work only with folders placed in list: Code Snippet