Hi, Experts. I’m making a backend application for FileManager as sample code PHP but I’m using Java.
But there is some issue about download.
When I upload file, and try to download without any refresh,
the download request parameter named source (it is path, I think maybe id of file) has some UTC string, ultimately, it failed cuz of wrong path for download.
When I upload File, I return below JSON array like.
below I upload file (virtual root)/test2 directory name httpclient-4.3.6.jar file
but when I try to this file after finish upload (I check the file exist on server),
the Download Request give me only UTC string on Source NOT a FILE ID! as below
I don’t want to refresh as soon as finish upload.
Is it kind of Bug?
and, How can I catch the event received response about upload.
Because Though I send File to Server, I take some time to save the file…
So I want to catch the event about receiving JSON Array about upload (upload completely finish)
for example, When I upload big file data… UI seems to fininsh soonly but webapplication’s work dosen’t finsh yet, So I want to hold the page utill the upload is completely fininshed and lastly giving the message to user…
But I don’t know how can I do this using filemanager…
Could give any help plz?