Filemanager with custom handlers and data modifications

Hi there,

just wondering if there is a way

a) to use custom a custom handler instead of specifying callback URLs
b) to dynamically add/modify/delete data (manually)

I am asking because we have an event driven approach where we don’t get an immediate response from the server. The handler just has to call a method and whenever the server has a response ready a callback method gets invoked with this response where we would like update/modify the filemanagers data.
Our intended use does not involve file operations so there is no need for the upload/download functionality here.

Thanks for your help!


You can use “onBeforeDeleteFile” and other events to block built-in operations.

Our intended use does not involve file operations so there is no need for the upload/download functionality here.

You can customize the list of operations in popup menu:

  • to remove a certain action:

var actions = $$(“files”).getMenu();

  • to add a new one:

Thank you very much, I’ll try blocking the builtin events.