I want to make a filter which removes/neglects prefix of 201-299 after clicking on the filter button. Snippet is: http://webix.com/snippet/e924a5a3 Can you please help me on this?
I want to make a filter which removes/neglects prefix of 201-299 after clicking on the filter button. Snippet is: http://webix.com/snippet/e924a5a3 Can you please help me on this?
You can use the getBody() method to get access to the list of values and filter it.
But it’s quite useless to try to filter via button click - richselect will reset its values before showing them.
Therefore, you can set filtering function to the onShow event:
well… This is quite good. But unfortunately, I have to refresh it based on some external button click. So the edits you made are fine if I can refresh it upon some button click and the value which is being checked onShow return obj.prefix >299; will be taken from external source as well.
Then try to use the value of toggle button (or a checkbox).
Please, check the snippet.