form, firefox stored password

var form = [
	{ view:"text", label:'username', name:"USR", invalidMessage: "message" },
	{ view:"text", label:'Password', name:"PWD", type:"password", invalidMessage: "message" },
	{ view:"button", value: "OK", align:"center", width: 150, click:function(){
		var form = this.getParentView();
		if (form.validate()){
		webix.ajax().post("some.php", form.getValues(), function(text,data){ webix.exec(text) });


	view:"form", scroll:false,
	container: "form1",
	elements: form,
	id: "form",
	width: 350,
		"USR": webix.rules.isNotEmpty,
		"PWD": webix.rules.isNotEmpty
		labelPosition: "top",
		labelWidth: 140,
		bottomPadding: 20


this work well but firefox does not offer me the passwords stored.
thank you

I’m afraid, in Firefox passwords will be saved only if you use HTML form for sending data. Sending data to server via Ajax is not enough.

There’s webix.send method that helps to send data in HTML-like manner, namely creates a hidden form, submits it and removes it from DOM afterwards.

However, you will need to redefine it to enable autocomplete and ensure that one of the fields features a “password” type.

You can try it here: