Form: The best way to provide help per-field level

Form: I’d like to provide an additional info for each field in the form, which may include:

  1. Purpose of the field
  2. Valid values definition
  3. Examples of valid/invalid values
  4. Usage scenario

What is the best way to provide help per-field level?

Currently I use property “placeholder”, but it’s not as informative, as, for example, a dedicated icon, close to field prompt, with a tooltip for each field.
On tooltip I’d like to be able to use html formatting.

You can embed extra html element in label

The only disadvantage - it can’t use html code inside of tooltip.
It possible to use webix tooltip, but it can’t be defined directly from markup, some js code is necessary.

Thank you.

Does Webix have a popup window that can be used as a tooltip?

Do you have any plans to extend Webix Prompt functionality by adding info icon?

So far there was no plans for adding default “info icon” functionaity, but we will consider such posibility.

As for popup, yes, there is a webix.tooltip but it was purposed for using with data components, and will not work well for the above use-case