Format Total to Two Decimal Places


I would like to format the “total” footer in Pivot to two decimal places (as opposed to the three that come by default).

I found Luca’s discussion regarding text alignment:

Which I can replicate fine in my project, however adding this extra line to onBeforeRender does not bring the desired result:
columns[i].footer.format = function(value){ return parseFloat(value).toFixed(2); };

Any clues on how to achieve this? Again, I would only like to parse the total, not all of the rows.


Footer doesn’t support the format property, but you can configure its template as follows:

Please check also the docs about number formatting.

Magnificent, many thanks!

The example in the snippet doesn’t seem to be working in the latest version of the pivot? The numbers in the footer is not formatted as expected. Is there a workaround for this?

@johan for now, the footer is an object with the following parameters:

  $pivotValue: 1558.7659999999998, // actual result
  $pivotOperation: "sum",
  text: "1558.766" // text that will be displayed

css is still an optional parameter that can be added by hand. As for the format, it’s possible to redefine thetext as follows:

Excellent, it’s working thanks