found a bug

I buld popup form with slider component and the value .hide();
when the form is called works all fine , after close and called again slider not work …
occurs only when the ID value is assigned…

like this

{ view:"slider", step: 5, min:30, max:130, label:"test", id:"b1",
								title:webix.template("#value# %" )},

work only 1 time


{ view:"slider", step: 5, min:30, max:130, label:"test",
								title:webix.template("#value# %" )},

work all time…

b1 make this

		$$("b1").attachEvent("onChange", function(newv,oldv){
		var newPrice = calcPrice(500000, 2009, 1000, newv);

		$$("b1").attachEvent("onSliderDrag", function(){
		var newPrice = calcPrice(500000, 2009, 1000, this.getValue());

Are you creating the new popup form each time, or using the same one ?

If you are reusing the same form - it must work correctly, check the next sample

If you are recreating the form, be sure to destroy the old one ( you need to use form.close , or form.destructor, not form.hide )

if press 2 times show button , slider crash.

Yep, that is why solution with hide is better :slight_smile:

Fixed sample with destructor

UP здесь ситуация следующая, при изменении значений срабатывает функция cleanAfter , удаляя поле s1 как сделать чтобы поле обновлялось, но не удалялось.

и если вручную вбить в поле s1 значение, как связать slider, так чтобы он принимал значение автоматически от id: s1