The problem is that you have to click two times in order to populate inputbox, and they can be popupated only after selection. This would allow multiselect to become even more powerfull tool in tables. Right now, I need to make separate list with inputboxes when user selects from multiselect.
But as all logic of multiselect control is based on selection it breaks all further usage.
As far as I can see you want to have a multi-text control, with ability to enter two custom string to use it later as part of filter in datatable, is it correct ?
Well, sales team generate quotes to the customer and sometimes customer sends one purchase order which includes multiple quotes. When sales team is adding new purchase order in the system they need to select which quote is behind that PO. If there is only one quote then total PO value will match one quote, but if there are multiple quotes then PO value can be divided between them.
That’s why I need multiple selection and inputbox where user insert parts of total amount. This part of development is the most complicated because I have many to many relation and from user perspective it would be easiest to click once at webix multiselect, select which quotes are connected, insert amount (or if nothing is inserted total amount will be divided equally) and save.