getFilter not working on multiSelect or serverMultiSelect cols type


I have below snippet:

And trying to use getFilter, somehow the function is not detecting if the column is using multiSelect or serverMultiSelect type of filtering.

Or are there any other solution or am I missing something on the getFilter function?

Hello @tengkie,

am I missing something on the getFilter function?

In your original example you are checking for the existence of the value parameter in the returned filter object, in the meantime, the multiSelect filter doesn’t have such a parameter.

It is important to note that there are two different subclasses of filters: filters that use native HTML elements (i.e. input - textFilter, select - selectFilter), and filters that use a Webix component instead (i.e. multiSelect filter). Naturally, the value parameter can only be accessed from within an HTML node, while the more advanced filters feature a custom logic and should be approached otherwise (by calling the getValue() method).

Please check the following snippet:

Owww I see… Thank you @annazankevich for the help and snippet.