Getting tree view in datatable view

Hi ,

I am representing JSON data using datatable view, with in the JSON data I have value type being array. please see this example for more information.

Here if you see all the values in the array are coming as comma seperated.
I want them to see as a tree plus button should come there. when clicked it should give a dropdown and display values as tree view.

Thanks in advance

Ravikiran Bhonagiri


here is the demo where Popup with Tree opens on cell click:


You got my question right but here I want the data array for year attribute

var data1 = [
{rank:“1”, title:“xaxaxax”, year:[“1989”,“1898”]},
{rank:“1”, title:“xaxaxax”, year:[“1989”, “1898”]}

It should display the “year” array attributes as a drop down.
Please tell me how to fix this. I have tried many options but did not find proper solution

Thanks in advance
Ravikiran Bhonagiri


possibly the following demo will help:

Thanks Maria