go back


i am using webix jet to go through different views and i use this navigator function to go to the previous view.


I realized that sometimes this function is not working on my android.
Also, it has no error output on my console.
So, Is there a way that webix jet advises to to this “go back” functionality.

thanks and regards!

Anything new about this?

Thanks and regards!


i have asked to my service provider (telerik) and after checking out a test app with this issue, this is teleriks answer:

"I tested with the app a little bit more. It appears the issue is really hard to reproduce and this said, to debug. I can tell that the issue was reproducible in the Appbuilder hybrid simulator too, but not by using a hold gesture. Also, I feel obliged to share that it is not a known issue in our products.

As a result of our investigation it appears that when the button hangs:

  • it does not trigger the function at all
  • when the function irAtras is called via a click of the button it is called twice

Both of these are maybe a symptom that the issue is in the UI elements and the way handlers are attached to them, etc. It appears that the UI of the app is built with a lot of UI frameworks (particularly I noticed Webix, while the others appear to be not used). Unfortunately, we are not familiar with this frameworks, its usage in mobile apps (if supported) or the logic of the app. Due to this reason I believe that it would be far more beneficial for your project if you examine for possible solutions their support forums or resources. "

So, i upload a sample test. The easiest one to see the issue.


Here, you will see that has 2 button views to go forward and then, in the subview, a button view to go back to the previous view.

i tested opening it with my mobile browser and works very well.

The problem is when i install it as an hybrid app. Then, sometimes the back function isnot triggered. i mean “navigator.app.backHistory()”

Thanks and regards!


I know this post maybe takes some days but i want to know if you are checking it out, please? Or what is the situation of this issue?

Thanks and regards!