header inside div

how i put de toolbar inside de div?

 var toolbar =
                        view: "toolbar", height: 40, elements: [
                        { view: "label", label: "Toolbar", width: 150 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-comment", label: "Atendimento", width: 120 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-user", label: "Comercial", width: 100 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-suitcase", label: "Crédito", width: 80 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-archive", label: "Formalização", width: 120 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-file", label: "Relatórios", width: 100 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "cog", width: 30 },
                        { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "user", width: 30 }

            var app = {
                rows: [toolbar]


<div id = "div"></div>

add id to the div and use this id as value of container property


Thanks for the help, It would be possible to do this dynamically with json?

Hello, I copied and pasted your example and got the following error:

ERROR MESSAGE = “Invalid container”


this isw my error
webix.assert_error = function(message){
//jshint debug:true
if (webix.message && typeof message == “string”)
webix.message({ type:“debug”, text:message, expire:-1 });
if (webix.debug !== false)

this is my code

var toolbar = { view: "toolbar", height: 40, elements: [ { view: "label", label: "Toolbar", width: 150 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-comment", label: "Atendimento", width: 120 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-user", label: "Comercial", width: 100 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-suitcase", label: "Crédito", width: 80 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-archive", label: "Formalização", width: 120 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "fa fa-file", label: "Relatórios", width: 100 }, {}, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "cog", width: 30 }, { view: "button", type: "icon", icon: "user", width: 30 } ] };
var app = {
    container: "div",
    rows: [toolbar]

<div id="div"></div>


ERROR MESSAGE = “Invalid container”

Such message will appear if you are using non-existing ID for the “container” property. Be sure that HTML tag with such ID does exist on moment of code execution.