Help on starting with WEBIX

Hi all
premised that I am new of this forum and that I don’t know javascript I would like to have some suggestions to start to study / to play with WEBIX; from the moment that I am a Ibm i (As400) programmer , looking for in google I have found interesting examples of use of webix the together with ibm i (Spoolsorter powered by IBM i).
at the moment my questions would be:
1 - to begin to work with webix, firsti have to leanr javascript ?
2 - there are some prntable tutorials for the beginners as me?
3 - if there is no tutorial to print, from which page web I can start?
4 - in the meantime I have started from, is it Ok?
5 - I have seen that also exists visual designer ; question is better to begin with visual designer or to write hand code

Thanks in advance for possible suggestions / information

any idea / help for me ?