Help with gridsuggest

Hello, we are having troble using gridsuggest in a window like this one:

let win = {
view: “window”,
width: 700,
modal: “true”,
id: “win”,
position: “center”,
head: “window”,
move: true,
tooltip: true,
body: {
paddingY: 20,
paddingX: 30,
elementsConfig: {labelWidth: 140},
view: “form”,
id: “win_form”,
width: 500,
elements: [
view: “combo”,
label: “combo”,
labelWidth: 200,
options: {
view: “gridsuggest”,
id: “add_suggest”,
width: 300,
height: 400,
body: {
autowidth: false,
scroll: true,
autoheight: false,
data: [],
required: true,
margin: 30,
cols: [
view: “button”,
label: “Close”,
align: “center”,
width: 120,
click: function(){
We construct the window via webix.ui(win) and load data into gridsuggest like this:
$(“add_suggest”).getList().parse([{id:1, value:“test”}])

Doing that and typing in the component filters the data as expected, but when we call close() method of window and repeat the same code, the filter fails throwing an error in the console in the filter function of gridsuggest.
var text = this.config.template(item);

Please check the following snippet

Can you help us please? Thanks.

do not reuse same config object.
try to clone using webix.clone(cfg) (in case of plain config) or use some factory method (in case of extended config like in your case)

Thank you very much intregal, that works as expected.