Help with property list height


I have a layout view of type space, and two property lists side by side, each with an header. I want to have the height of the list dynamically adjusted to the number of labels, independently of the size of the container of the view. I’ve tried some things but I’m failing to achieve this. My code looks something like this:

cols: [
  { rows [ 
        { header template}, 
        { property 1 definition / elements }
  { rows [ 
        { header template}, 
        { property 2 view definition/elements} 

Any hints? Thanks.

Well, it seems that setting height:“100%” to the row does the trick, it trims the empty space below. Not sure sure if this is the most correct way, please let me know. Thanks!

It seems we have missed such option for “property” control
Will be added as part of Webix 1.7

Excellent, thanks maksim!