Hiding filter popup and showing one at a time.

I have one grid which has header with filter popup and one of our own customized filter. I want the functionality which shows one filter popup at a time.

Can you share a demo or snippet ?

Popup closes self after any click in document. So when you are clicking on second filter, first popup must close self automatically.

Hi, I am also facing similar issue. http://webix.com/snippet/3b8409f1
Kindly consider above snippet. If I click on the down arrow image it will open drop down with list of option for filter. I want to hide that drop down if user hourover mouse on that link can u guide me to hide filter popup.

Check the updated snippet


It uses


to simulate the click that closes all popups

Thansk! I have added event and call this method it work. :slight_smile:

Maksim and Amey

I have 2 methods that extend multiSelectFilter that handle some different business logic. One of these filter is for read-only or non-editable column and other one is for editable column

webix.ui.datafilter.assessmentSelectFilter = webix.extend({
}, webix.ui.datafilter.multiSelectFilter);

webix.ui.datafilter.SelectFilter = webix.extend({
}, webix.ui.datafilter.multiSelectFilter);
When I open filter for read-only column then previously opened filter for editable column remains open.

There are two cases why popup can’t stay visible after click

  • There is a js error during click processing ( check js console in a browser )
  • You have a custom code that blocks event bubbling ( default code doesn’t block event bubbling )

When I open filter popup for read-only column then previously opened filter popup for editable column remains open.

Expected : I want to hide previously opened filter popup
Actual : I can see two filter popup open(one is for read-only column and another for editable column)

It works correctly for me.

If issue still occurs, please share a code snippet of live demo link, where issue can be reconstructed.

This scenario occurs only if I simultaneously clicks on different filter popup. otherwise it works correctly.

In current version there is a 100ms delay in which popup will not close after clicking, which may be a reason of problem in your case. It will be changed in oncoming Webix 2.2.

when the version 2.2 expected to be released

January 20

Thanks a lot for the information.