Horizontal accordion with webix and angular

Greetings for everybody!

The problem is with markup horizontal accordion using webix with angular. If you do this by means of just webix it is simple: to switch from vertical accordion to horizontal accordion you just need to change “rows” with “cols”:

webix vertical accordion: http://webix.com/snippet/e4abff8c

webix horizontal accordion: http://webix.com/snippet/6ee40495

But if you want to do the same using webix angular integration, you fail:

webix-angular vertical accordion with angular: http://webix.com/snippet/4f0b6aaa (works fine)

webix-angular horizontal accordion with angular: http://webix.com/snippet/8362f09a (not working)

Is there any idea how to solve this?

Please check


using stack='cols' instruct top level components, how child views need to be organized.

By the way, you can use json configs with angularJs.

Thank you! It looks like a trick. I could not find property “stack” in the property list of accordion

Yep, the “stack” can be used only during initialization from HTML | XML markup. It says to which property the sub-tags need to be assigned.