Hotkeys not working after editing richselect and refreshing


I would like to change the behavior of the navigation keys so that you are able to navigate in any direction through the table and remain in an edit mode. (Like tab navigation but including the ability to move up and down). My issue is that editing a richselect cell and then refreshing the table will break this behavior.

Here is a code snippet that reproduces the issue:

If you double click on a text cell, you are able to move up and down and remain in edit mode. If you then edit a richselect and then navigate out, you are still able to move up and down and remain in edit mode.
Then click the refresh table button.
Now if you edit a cell, you cannot move up and down as it will only move the cursor within the cell.

How can I fix this?

you need to remove hotkey handler from destructing table or change handler logic.
check this

The snippet you provided still does not work for the situation I’m having problems with

yes, I’ve focused on refreshing issue.
for richselect the problem is that it has own hotkey handler and as soon as popup is shown your handler is not active.
as a solution you can try to reset handler on each onAfterEditStop event

if you do not really have to destruct existing table then try to just refreshing columns and data instead.