Hello experts, I’m so newbie on web.
I’m doing porting FileManager’s example PHP code to JSP and I want to use my custom file system.
But, I don’t know how I can handle some error of the “Action”.
For instance, I made webix.ui filemanger registers handler on “test.jsp” for “remove” action. and test.jsp call some java library but catch Fatal Error (without moving error page…)
In this situation, How can I distinguish above error.
Cuz, sample code only return some JSONArray, I don’t know there is special attribute for error handling.
Also, Could I get some data sheet for each action returning value?
I mean, when I success to listing directory.
I should make some JSONArray for return consisted of JSONObject like
{“id” : something, “value” : something, “type”: something … }
Filemanager provides onErrorResponse event. You can attach a handler, which will fire in case of data saving error and will provide the full server-side response, so the client side code can read data from server side and output some meaningful error message.
There is no any special attribute. If server side returns status code 500, the onErrorResponse handler will trigger.
Also, Could I get some data sheet for each action returning value?
Only file uploading requires a special response. For all other operation, any JSON object will be fine.
Server side may contain information about new item id, or new item name, but it is fully optional. ( I can’t find the related info in docs, so there is really a gap here, we will try to fix it ASAP )
Thank you for your answer. I’ll try