It is a webix-jet application.
How can I reload the tasks to my gantt with dynamic url (ex. htp://…/backend/tasks?projectId=project001) when the user pick up a project from a select control?
Hello @Edward ,
Gantt being a Jet-based app means that you can customize the widget as you see fit.
In your case, you need to override the tasks() method in the Backend service and depending on the selected option change url.
All the tasks are stored in a TreeCollection. The collection is accessible via the tasks() method of the Local Data service:
const tasks = $$("gantt").getService("local").tasks();
So you can use onChange event of the “select” control, call the tasks() method from the backend server to get the necessary data, and parse it into the collection.
Please check the following example that demonstrates how you can implement such a feature: Code Snippet
Hello @annazankevich,
Thanks a lot!
It works!
Hi, I want to apply custom filters to gantt chart. So I want to reload everything(tasks, resources, assignments and categories). I tried $$(‘gantt’).reload() from reload of ui.gantt, Methods Webix Docs
But it’s giving me error. $$(…).reload is not a function.
Ah! This reload function is introduced in the latest version. But there is no information about version in the documentation. I compared version in my local and online snippets. And got it to work after updating to latest version(9.2.1).