How can I show Popup window?

How can I show Popup window?

Tried to use show() method, the popup did not show-up.

Currently popup and window need to be initialized as separate UI

They can’t be included in layouts.

Any ideas about workaround?

On a complex page I have to show a form with 5 generic initial parameters.
After the form is filled in, I have to create a record in the DB and open an another form with much more fields on it.


  1. Show initial form via popup

  2. Create a record, based on fields in initial form

  3. Open a dedicated form (not via popup, but in layout cell) with bunch of additional fields.

You can load multiple ui elements at once, check samples\23_markup\03_xml\03_multi_init.html

Just use separate UIs instead of including popup in the layout.

Thank you for advise.

Can you clarify?

Currently my app starts with:

<script type="text/javascript">
		webix.markup.namespace = "";
		webix.ajax("../ConfigGenerator", function (text, data) {
			webix.markup.init(data.rawxml(), document.body);

This code calls ConfigGenerator and returns single UI with Layout.

If I want to create a popup window (or multiple popups) at a run time, what changes should I make?