How can we add “No results found” tag, when there are no recs?
is there any config to do this?
How can we add “No results found” tag, when there are no recs?
is there any config to do this?
Hey @webix_B_123, please take a look at this snippet, it should prove itself to be helpful:
is it possible to add to combo it self ?
since i am loading multiple combo at a time. If i do like above user will confuse which combo is loaded which is not loaded
Unfortunately it is not possible to have such kind of message inside of combo list
It sounds as a nice UX addition, though. So we will look how it can be added in some future build.
we will wait for that
There actually might be a way, here’s an example:
it has some side effects, though ( text of option can be selected, etc. )
That’s perfect Dzmitry