I have the following code snippet in one file(webix.js).
type: "line",
rows: [
cols: [{
template: "<div id='dataGridView' style='height:100%; width: 100%; margin:0px'></div>",
id: "dataGridView12344",
}, {
view: "resizer"
}, {
//template: "Image Viewer",
css: "imageviewer",
width: 250,
id: "imageViewer",
Iām declaring and loading the datatable from another file(datatable.js). Here is the code snippet:
var grid = new webix.ui({
container: "dataGridView",
id: "myGrid",
view: "datatable",
borderless: true,
I am having issues when I change the size of the columns using resizer. The datatable will not extend/reduce its width automatically.
I want to load the datatable without using template (template: ā
Please help me!!!
Thank you.