I would like to add my custom events for “Cancel” and “Ok” rather than the current events. How can I do that?
There are the following events that are fired for config window on their click:
- onCancel
- onAppply
var win = pivot.getConfigWindow();
win.attachEvent("onCancel", function(){
win.attachEvent("onAppply", function(structure){
However, these events do not allow preventing built-in handlers.
Thanks for the help. Is it possible to call those events using other buttons?
“Cancel” button hides a configuration window:
To emulate “Apply” click you can do the following:
var structure = pivot.getStructure();
pivot.getConfigWindow().callEvent("onApply", [structure]);
you can also hide a window then.
Thanks once again. After making any changes in the config window how can I get the changed structure before closing the popup?
You can try the following:
var configWindow = pivot.getConfigWindow();
// get structure selected in the config window
var structure = configWindow.getStructure();
// call onApply handler
configWindow.callEvent("onApply", [structure]);
// hide the config window