How to add extra parameters to backend server request

When using the docmanager I want to override some of the functions to add extra parameters with the ajax request to the server but I can’t see how to do this in the docs.

e.g I want to add my custom_id attribute which is part of the json file data along with the request

{id: 'files/folder', name: 'folder', type: 'folder', custom_id: 123, date: 123456}

how do I override the rename(id, name) function so it includes sending my custom_id to the server?

The Document Manager and most of our complex widgets (except Pivot, Kanban, and Spreadsheet) are built as modularized apps on Webix Jet, and the user can customize existing modules or add new ones.
Modules are implemented as JetViews (ES6 classes) where any UI element, data-related service, or feature can be customized by the same rules. For more details about this architecture, please check the following blog article, which describes the general idea and reasons for this structure.
Please note that complex modifications may require observing the source code of the tool in order to build the most feasible solution that will correctly alter/extend the original logic.
Backend service provides methods for issuing requests (you may also need to study File Manager Backend Service, because Document Manager has the same methods as File Manager Backend Service does, and proposes several of its own). And if you want to add extra parameters to your server request you need to customize the required method from the Backend service.
In the case of the rename request, this operation works only for the selected file / folder, so you can take the item from the application state.
Please, check the following snippet Code Snippet

to do the same with the move function I can only add custom attributes to a folder not an image or other file by using your example for file()

local.hierarchy.getItem(id) only shows folders, how do I get an image or other file?

I can get the data from $$("fm").getState().clipboard.files[0] of the selected file/image but would also like to get the data for the to folder