How to catch net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error while uploading file?

Hi, how can I catch net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error while uploading a file. I am using uploader view. It did not catch on onFileUploadError event:

                            view: "uploader",
                            id: "import_all_id",
                            label: this._("Restore Metadata"),
                            autosend: true,
                            type: "iconButton",
                            icon: "upload",
                            align: "center",
                            multiple: false,
                            inputName: "file",
                            on: {
                              onUploadComplete: (response) => {
                                loadingIcon("windowId", true);
                                if (webix.$$("impExpId")) webix.$$("impExpId").close();
                              onAfterFileAdd: (response) => {
                                loadingIcon("windowId", false);
                              onFileUploadError: (file, response) => {
                                loadingIcon("windowId", true);
                              onItemClick: () => {
                                webix.$$("import_all_id").data.upload = this.importProject();


Hello @Yryskul,
Uploader handles all errors that were returned from the server with an error code (in other words, the request was successfully sent and the response indicates an error).
As a solution, you can do something like this to handle network connection errors: Code Snippet