How to change column's editor type from 'combo' to 'date' in datatable

hi, team
I need to change column’s editor by some conditon from ‘date’->‘combo’ or ‘combo’ ->‘date’ on [onBeforeEditStart] event.Because I want to control the editor by item
‘date’ to ‘combo’ is OK, but console error occurs when I change the editor from ‘combo’ to ‘date’. Could someone help me to resolve this problem. Thx a lot!

Hi @suntao ,
Please, check this thread - Dynamic editors in a datatable
There’s an expample how to control the editor by item, but not by the entire column.

Thanks a lot pyrus_vagus!
I checked the samle as below, but if first time click the combo(No3 item) in the sample and then click the date(No2 item), it will be a error, would you pls give some advice for it.(I also reply in that thread)

sample issue:
TypeError: this.getInputNode(...).setValue is not a function

Hi @suntao ,

The inner logic of editors changed a bit over time. First you need to close the previous editor and deletete previous popup instances. You can change the editor to the new one after that.

Please, check the snippet: Code Snippet

Thank you very much, it worked!!